Thursday, April 4, 2019

Reflection of Venn diagram exercise in the class

Today, we discussed the consonants and vowel sounds in the class with the help of Venn diagram. It was an interactive exercise for recalling sounds in our mother-tongues as well as in English

It was a pleasant surprise for Urdu and Arabic speakers that most of the consonants' sounds do exist in their language, except a few such as:TH, NG were not found in Urdu. However, one sound of consonant which is " th" was the disputed sound as Urdu speakers claimed that they had have this sound  in their language but Marcella was not agreed. She supported her findings by giving an argument that if native speaker felt difficult to pronounce the sound then it implied that it doesn't exist. Nevertheless, we as native speakers had some words in mind like as 'thook' 'tham' and 'thor.'

Subsequently, we discussed 16 vowels sound and out of them e, i, wu, oy and wood were not found in Urdu language at all.

This exercise made me realized that we should not ever underestimate the power of knowledge. Since, we are living in Canada and we only need English to survive and thrive here but still we should be active learner for our own languages as well that knowledge about anything can be helpful and needful sometimes as it helps in this exercise. Otherwise, its been a long time so I know my alphabets sound so I could participate well in this exercise.

Thank you Marcella for being my teacher. The way you conduct a class that the most effective way to include everybody in any class activity. In nutshell, this exercise was well conducted and well received by the class members as it was a good comparison of different languages like Urdu, Arabic and Spanish with English language.


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